Friday, May 23, 2008

And from Bearsden to Earthsea

I never could have imagined, all those years ago, curled up in the windowseat of Bearsden Library, escaping from life into the wizard world of Earthsea, that I would ever grow up to write books of my own, and that one of my books would one day end up on the American Booklists's Top Ten SF/ Fantasy Titles for Youth 2008 alongside a book by Ursula Le Guin.


As Mara found out in EXODUS, miracles can happen.


Anonymous said...

Well done!

Bearsden... I think the Canadian cpusins used to live there.


Thanks, bookwitch.

Bearsden sounds as if it might be the kind of wild place, full of bearish creatures, that you might find in Earthsea. But it really isn't. No bears at all, just sedate suburban streets.

Anonymous said...

Bearsden has no streets...

only crescents, avenues, roads etc., etc.,



Since I spent my teenage years wandering those un-streets, I really should have known that.

Pericles said...

And what pleasant un-streets to wander, especially of a warm summers evening. The only thing that ruins this idyllic setting is the spread of the track-suited menace spilling over from Courthill like a trodden-upon ant colony...